Monday, August 13, 2012

Good News! Bowser the Lizard

From Jill:
After 17 days, my granddaughter's lizard, Bowser was found unharmed, fat and healthy! He was sitting on the fence, sunning himself. My kid's live on 30 acres of forest with bears, wolves, coyotes, skunks, snakes and cats. We felt that it was unlikely that a lizard would survive long in those circumstances. Needless to say, my granddaughter, Brenna is beside herself with happiness!! We are so grateful for all the thoughts and prayers. It is TRULY a miracle. Thank you again!


Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness sake, that is SUCH good news and may the blessings continue for you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jill - wonderful wonderful news about Bowser, bless his heart!!!! I'd have to say someone from above must have surely been watching over him!! :)
I'm so happy for your granddaughter, and I know your heart is extra happy, too!

kristina said...

Wow Mr. Bowser...welcome back! Thank God!